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"The Meaning of becoming an ironman
What does it mean to become an ironman? It means to be poised to work hard everyday. You have to have a vision to become what most people think you can’t do. You have perseverance when things go wrong. You have to have the work ethic to keep going no matter what happens. We as ironman are setting example for our family, friends, and children. We do this no matter if people tell us this is crazy. Even if they think it can’t be done. The one goal we have is to become an ironman. The goal is to swim hard, bike fast, and run like the wind. We as trialthletes need strong nerves, patience, endurance, and strong will power. Ironman are respected, admired, and are honored. Do you have what takes to finish Ironman? The only question is you willing to see what it takes to become an ironman. The journey begins on a lonesome green belt trail. On an isolated morning swim at the local gym. It also begins on a solitary in the country just you the bike and the road. What dose the start of the race feel like the swim start is scary, memorable, and nerve racking. It will test every bit of your self confidence. With the swim over it is on to the bike. Are you poised oh yea! A great rid on the bike will prepare you for the marathon. The run will start us for the final test in the goal of becoming an ironman. You will hear cheering crowds at the end. Dreams of becoming an ironman can come true if you have unending pride when you cross the finish line. Anything is possible if God is with you. Ironman helps you build strong creatures. You will have a new insight giving 110%. Ironman finisher does 140.6 miles that’s a 2.4 miles swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run. Crossing the finish line with family, friends, and God means everything it inspiration is the seed of aspiration. Finish the ironman meant everything to me. It was goal I set for myself. I always remember that Rome was not built over night. So I train to take one day at a time. I just had to keep in my mind finish no matter what happens."